Animal Rights Protester Dumps Glitter on Harvard President Alan Garber Before Alumni Day Speech

An animal rights protester dumped a tube of gold glitter on interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber ’76 as he prepared to address attendees at Harvard Alumni Day.

Harvard Corporation’s Newest Member Donates $20 Million for Arts & Humanities, Financial Aid

Billionaires Joseph Y. Bae ’94 and Janice Y.K. Lee ’94 donated $20 million to Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to endow the Arts and Humanities deanship and bolster financial aid for undergraduates.

Dominance on the Ice: The 1999 Women’s Ice Hockey Team's Long Legacy

In what marks the 25th anniversary of the Harvard women’s ice hockey team’s historic triple-crown season, the team’s national championship run and the grit, perseverance, and dominance the squad displayed throughout that entire season is still spoken about with hushed reverence.

‘Uncle Vanya’ Preserves Chekhov’s Hilarious, Dark, Tender Humanity for Today’s World

The contemporary setting of Heidi Schreck’s translation of “Uncle Vanya” feels so natural that one could miss the change entirely.

From Cannes: ‘The Substance’ is a Sparkling and Divisive Body Horror

It is nearly unimaginable to not feel seen by French director Coralie Fargeat’s “The Substance,” which premiered at the 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival.

Artist Profile: Morgan Parker on ‘You Get What You Pay For’ and the Journey Towards Interconnected Identity

Morgan Parker discusses her new book, "You Get What You Pay For," and the difficulty of healing, self-discovery, and empathizing with others.

The Boston Ballet ‘Spring Experience’: Saving the Best for Last

Boston Ballet’s “Spring Experience” offered viewers a beautiful, cohesive, and original show with both traditional and contemporary choreographic styles.

Dominance on the Ice: The 1999 Women’s Ice Hockey Team's Long Legacy

In what marks the 25th anniversary of the Harvard women’s ice hockey team’s historic triple-crown season, the team’s national championship run and the grit, perseverance, and dominance the squad displayed throughout that entire season is still spoken about with hushed reverence.

Heartbeat Heroes: Varsity Team Managers

Often considered “the heartbeat of the team,” team managers play an integral role in varsity sports. The Crimson sat down with four managers from Harvard’s basketball, lacrosse, and squash programs to learn more about the position.

‘Everybody’s Kind of Blue’: Harvard’s Last-Second Loss to Brown is the Heartbreak of the Year

The Harvard football team’s loss against nemesis Yale, which resulted in the team having to split the Ivy League title three ways, might seem like an apt choice for the Heartbreak of the Year. But the football team still shared a slice of the conference title. The men’s basketball team wasn’t so lucky.

Competing Equally at Last: 50 Years of the Harvard-Radcliffe Athletics Merger

Harvard University and Radcliffe College merged in 1974 in a decision that came on the heels of the passage of Title IX and carried major implications for the future of athletics at Harvard.

‘Uncle Vanya’ Preserves Chekhov’s Hilarious, Dark, Tender Humanity for Today’s World

The contemporary setting of Heidi Schreck’s translation of “Uncle Vanya” feels so natural that one could miss the change entirely.

From Cannes: ‘The Substance’ is a Sparkling and Divisive Body Horror

It is nearly unimaginable to not feel seen by French director Coralie Fargeat’s “The Substance,” which premiered at the 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival.

Artist Profile: Morgan Parker on ‘You Get What You Pay For’ and the Journey Towards Interconnected Identity

Morgan Parker discusses her new book, "You Get What You Pay For," and the difficulty of healing, self-discovery, and empathizing with others.

The Boston Ballet ‘Spring Experience’: Saving the Best for Last

Boston Ballet’s “Spring Experience” offered viewers a beautiful, cohesive, and original show with both traditional and contemporary choreographic styles.

Dominance on the Ice: The 1999 Women’s Ice Hockey Team's Long Legacy

In what marks the 25th anniversary of the Harvard women’s ice hockey team’s historic triple-crown season, the team’s national championship run and the grit, perseverance, and dominance the squad displayed throughout that entire season is still spoken about with hushed reverence.

Heartbeat Heroes: Varsity Team Managers

Often considered “the heartbeat of the team,” team managers play an integral role in varsity sports. The Crimson sat down with four managers from Harvard’s basketball, lacrosse, and squash programs to learn more about the position.

‘Everybody’s Kind of Blue’: Harvard’s Last-Second Loss to Brown is the Heartbreak of the Year

The Harvard football team’s loss against nemesis Yale, which resulted in the team having to split the Ivy League title three ways, might seem like an apt choice for the Heartbreak of the Year. But the football team still shared a slice of the conference title. The men’s basketball team wasn’t so lucky.

Competing Equally at Last: 50 Years of the Harvard-Radcliffe Athletics Merger

Harvard University and Radcliffe College merged in 1974 in a decision that came on the heels of the passage of Title IX and carried major implications for the future of athletics at Harvard.